Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bill Walsh: "positive but not evangelistic..."

"I'm positive but not evangelistic. I'm pragmatically doing everything my physicians recommend, and I'm working my way through it. I always felt I'll accept my fate as it unfolds."

Man, I love Bill Walsh. (I grew up a 49ers fan; an Ohio boy whose big sister had a crush on Joe Montana and through some osmosis led to my adopting that team from across the country. They called me 'Joe Montana' on my high-school football team in Indiana - they were being ironic.)

Coach Walsh just announced to the public this past week that he has leukemia.

And according to accounts in the press, he's handling this challenge like others in his professional life - with grace, determination and intelligence.

He is the genius.

He added: "If we continue with the ongoing treatment, the future could look very bright."

We're all pulling for you Bill.

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